okay so practically im in Old Town now
had dinner just now but i dragged my sis here to have early supper.LOL
yea i am random i know
but life have just been so boring for me
so i wake up at 6am everyday to send my sister to school
and yea,seriously screw the traffic man! wth
i wake up in an OKOK mood but once i drive out of Puchong, i get stuck in massive jams
WTH.it really turn down my mood. so stressed ok
as i said earlier, once my mood got affected,i'll drive faster.=/
i know its really bad cuz its dangerous but i juz cant control my emotions.
especially when im driving.
ok so after sending my sis off,i'll reach home around 7.30am.
so what i do next is i go back to sleep.lolz
i'll probably wake up at noon.sometimes 12pm and sometimes 1pm.
i'll have lunch then i will head out again to fetch sis back from school.
yes,IN and OUT so many times in a day. it is boring,so boring that i am bored of driving.
but the MOST boring part is when i get home,i have nothing to do!
i have nothing to do so i decided to TAKE A NAP which lasts for 2hrs minimum.MINIMUM!
see,what a life i'm having right now.i know some of u are stressing out with finals and assignments now and u might envy me for the kind of relaxing life i am having right now.
but trust me,i'd be glad to exchange my life with u at this state.like srsly.
and btw,mum have been suggesting that i take a trip back to Sabah during June's school holiday.
she said that i could help out with my granma since she juz had her operation done and bla bla bla.so instead of my mum going back 2 take care of my granma,i could be the one to be doing that along with my sis.
well idk,part of me wants 2 go thr for a getaway before i start my next sem.but another part of me tells that i needa grab hold of the time i have to earn hard cash.i needa work!
practically i am planning on a trip to Aussie next June along with JiaYu.
i am so looking forward to it cuz i get to travel overseas with my frens instead of my family.it'll be so much fun.but 1st things 1st,i needa save up like ALOT.=.=
on another note,i am dissapointed lately. i've been sending resumes to many job posts but i haven't gotten any reply yet. how am i gona get to work asap?
thrs so much on my mind right now.so i'm sory if this post is kinda rojak.
till then,imma blog real soon aight. in the mean time,follow me on Twitter.i update more on twitter than blogspot=)
hopefully i'll hv good news 2 share peeps.